staying focused on water problems and solutions

profile picture Thijs

this is Deltares

`With applied research we develop in-depth knowledge that is necessary and useful for decisions about quality of life. We make this knowledge accessible to everyone in order to help with innovative solutions. Where do we make a difference? By building the continuity of our knowledge base. As an important knowledge partner, we help the government, companies and society. And together we realize our mission: Enabling Delta Life. We have been working passionately for more than 100 years on answers to the one burning question that drives our research: how do we keep life in our deltas, coastal and river areas safe, sustainable and habitable? Now and in the future.`

Source: Deltares

a short overview


hydraulic engineering



Competa IT'er Thijs at Deltares

Well-functioning hardware and software is of great importance, so that Deltares employees can continue to focus on developing software for problems and solutions surrounding water. This is where the Service Desk department comes into the picture for resolving incidents and taking care of both software and hardware. Together with five other colleagues, Thijs was responsible for this at the Service Desk department. In addition to setting up and managing workplaces, Thijs was also involved in rinsing/resetting laptops and preparing laptops for new employees. This department also works closely with the Network Management department. For example, if a computer could not connect to the network, it was partly up to Thijs to check why this was happening or whether something needed to be renewed or repaired. If all this does not work, the Network Management department could take up the problem further. The day started for Thijs with checking his inbox, Teams and the latest incidents. In the morning he started rinsing and cleaning laptops. After the stand-up with the team, he was able to check the latest incidents and go there to solve them, such as replacing screens and updating software and laptop systems. Otherwise, Thijs continued cleaning and preparing laptops and preparing work phones for employees. During this project, Thijs learned a lot about repairing laptops and was able to take a look at the server room of the large data center. TOPdesk and an asset manager system were used for the work. In addition, Thijs has also become better at solving problems, he works more accurately and he is more service-oriented.

about ICT-professional Thijs

Thijs loves working with people and offering them support in the IT field. He has already provided support in several areas and can be used in many ways, both in terms of infrastructure and hardware, as well as in the field of software. Thijs now has more than 6 years of experience in the ICT domain. He has performed this support work in various roles at various organizations, including Deltares, Competa IT and the Fair Trade Software Foundation. Thijs has performed support work in several roles at various organizations, including Competa IT and Fair Trade Software Foundation: organizations where he has fulfilled roles: such as first- and second-line support (for hardware and software), infrastructure, workplace management and development. In addition to his work, Thijs has a special interest in and for cyber security. In his spare time he reads a lot about this (news, case studies and research) and tries to gain deeper knowledge about it through online sources.

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Profile picture Wikash (Competa IT)