Fair Trade Software

Fair Trade Software

Fair Trade Software

Het aanmaken van een nieuw wachtwoord bij Maastricht University. De Nederlandse universiteit kampte begin dit jaar met de gevolgen van een cyberaanval, waarop de computersystemen offline gehaald werden. © ANP

Afrikaanse landen helpen technologieën te gebruiken om hun doelen te bereiken. Door samen te werken met jonge professionals, begeleiden we hen om hun vaardigheden te verbeteren.

innovation in sustainable software development

At Competa IT we love to share the knowledge we gain, and share as widely as possible. We are also ambitious. That’s why and how we created Fair Trade Software, to help people in developing countries leverage technology to reach their goals. Collaborating with African companies we share our knowledge, helping companies and young professionals to build skills, thus contributing to digital technology uplift. We understand that software development is more than just creating tech products, it is a service that enables innovation in other sectors. By sharing our knowledge we catalyse change, leapfrogging other economic sectors and driving significant measurable impact. Technology has the potential to transform life in sub-Saharan Africa, bringing employment and prosperity, we are proud to play a part in this.

  • learning innovation
  • cross-continental co-creation

blijf op de hoogte

proven economic transformation

The innovation of Fair Trade Software (FTS) is the creation of a supply chain that allows the transfer of modern best practice in teamwork, tech and project management to people in developing countries. This improves the ability of ICT companies in developing countries to engage with local and international markets and unlock potential and growth in other sectors of their economies. By improving digital capability and capacity, Fair Trade Software is able to achieve development goals that may not be possible with conventional development initiatives.

  • projects in healthcare and microfinance, benefitting millions

"Countries with limited capacities to turn data into digital intelligence and business opportunities, and use them for economic and social development, are at a clear disadvantage."

Isabelle Durant, Acting Secretary-General

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

creating a sustainable future

Competa IT is a founding member of a non-profit membership and partnership organisation for the EurAfrican software industry, the Fair Trade Software Foundation. The Foundation focuses on further development of the Fair Trade Software model, and also acts to create and sustain partnerships between software companies in developed and developing countries. The Foundation governs and runs the initiative, oversees companies using the model, and engages with other stakeholders such as government organisations, development agencies and academic institutions.

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