TechTalk May 2023

TechTalk May 2023

picture of a speaker at our techtalk event

picture of a speaker at our techtalk event

It's been a while, but May 26th was the first Competa IT TechTalk of the year! For this talk we invited four speakers to update both our developers and external interested parties about interesting tech topics. In addition to the talks, there was of course also time for networking and catching up with old acquintances.

To create a good atmosphere for the event, there was a choice of different types of pizza in addition to a wide range of drinks,. While eating and drinking, people were able to catch up with the present guests. Besides new guests there were also some old acquintances and former colleagues present!

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For this TechTalk we did not have three, but even four speakers! Daniel Meinsma kicked off with his talk on Cyber Threat Intelligence. Here we learned that code is made up of different building blocks and therefore depends on them. It is therefore good to know how you can (continue to) use it safely.

Subsequently, Job Vink showed how best to build a system with Command Query Responsibility Segregation in Practice, and which elements it consists of. He and colleagues also created this system for ticket sales for Formula 1 at Zandvoort, among other things!

After a short break it was time for our own tech guru Andrey. He explained to us how you can apply ChatGPT in your workflow and how you can make the best use of it as a developer. Of course this must be done securely, so Andrey also shown us how to do this with sensitive data and which pitfalls to watch out for.

Vince Grandadam ended the evening with his talk about Social Hacks. Here he showed us which forms of social hacks there are and how they are (un)consciously used. But with his tips, we now also know how we can protect ourselves against this as a company and individually.


While enjoying a snack and a drink, the material of the TechTalks were further discussed. This was also the time to continue networking with both new faces and old acquintances.

Watch the aftermovie of our TechTalk event of may here:

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