Christmas Dinner: our 2023 closing!

Christmas Dinner: our 2023 closing!

The annual christmas dinner of Competa IT with our developers

The annual christmas dinner of Competa IT with our developers

It's time again for our annual Christmas Dinner! A pleasant evening where we all go out for dinner to end the year nicely. The opportunity to catch up with each other about our plans for the holidays and the highlights of the past year.

the dinner

It was that time of year again for our annual Christmas dinner with our lovely colleagues. Just like last year, we went out for dinner, but this time in Delft. Christmas dinner is the time to reminisce about the past year and discuss everyone's plans for the holidays. It is also a time to look ahead to what the coming year will bring us.

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World Restaurant Together

After a nice drink at the office, we all went to Wereld Restaurant Samen (in Delft). In this restaurant there are several buffet tables with a large number of dishes - from all continents - so that there was something for everyone. After a short speech from Debby, our Community Manager, the buffet for our developers was opened!


It was a pleasant atmosphere at the table where everyone talked about how 2023 went and what the plans are for next year. The plans surrounding the holidays with family and friends were also not skipped. The dinner ended with a sweet highlight, namely with the buffet table full of desserts. After everyone had enjoyed something delicious, from chocolate, cake and bacon biscuits to fresh fruit, a final toast was made to 2023.

The Christmas dinner was once again a successful, fun and delicious outing with all colleagues from Competa IT! We wish everyone happy holidays and a happy and healthy 2024!

Check out our video of the event, or take a look at our event calendar of 2023 for the other events!

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