Expat center

meet our international community

We are a community of web developers in the Netherlands, but we are not all Dutch. Over the years we’ve employed international staff from more than 40 countries and expats are welcome to apply for permanent positions as intermediate and senior web developers.

some of our Expat staff sharing a joke at Competa IT
expat staff arriving at Competa IT from abroad

coders without borders

Competa IT is a Dutch company founded by expats and our teams have come from almost every continent - Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, North and South America. Are you a software developer with 4+ years experience and looking for a new opportunity in the Netherlands? Join our international community of front-end and full stack developers in the Randstad. (Antarctica is still on our bucket-list, priority may be given to Antarctic devs...)

understanding expats

Whether you are considering relocating to the Netherlands or have been working on placement for an international company and now wish to stay, Competa IT is the company of choice for international software developers.

With a quarter of a century experience in employing expat technical staff, we understand that you and your family may need help beyond the workplace. We can provide advice and assistance with important issues such as finding accommodation, Dutch language lessons, applying for work permits and visas, and/or arranging tax affairs including 30% rule application.

You will be part of an international community, new Dutch and International friends to welcome you and help you settle in. Multicutural, diverse and inclusive, united by our passion for web development, we grow our careers together and have fun in the process.

  • Meet like-minded people
  • Level up tech skills
  • Grow your career
Group photo. Competa IT colleagues during a work outing on Scheveningen beach